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(Originally published Dec 2023 / Jan 2024)


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Emerging evidence suggests the existence of an astonishing class of inorganic atmospheric life which is likely based on an unusual form of plasma, which is the fourth state of matter. An analysis of credible accounts, images and footage--as well as insights provided by five leading scientists--reveals a “soft matter” form of life that is only now beginning to be understood. These rare “plasmoids” possess buoyancy and traverse the air. They are sometimes misconstrued as interplanetary UFOs when sighted. Their actual origin, however, is found within our own skies as animate energy forms. Amazingly, this non-corporeal life is conscious and aware of its environment.


Further, experts have been able to simulate this atmospheric life by creating plasma forms in laboratories that can grow, reproduce, and communicate. Others have found examples of plasma forms flying in ancient skies through the study of petroglyphs. And finally, a former CIA Director suggests that some UFOs may in fact be a type of life.




The extraordinary species, author-coined as “Flying Plasmoids”, exhibits vitality. Their habitat is aerial. They can shape-shift, often like glowing jelly or gaseous-liquid. They differ from all natural atmospheric phenomena as well as from traditional UFO configurations. A proposed technical name for them is Plasmata volatilis. The word “plasma” is derived from the Latin “plasmata” meaning “figures” or “images” and “volatilis,” which means “flying.” A “plasmoid” is a unique, free-floating “plasma form” that is not created by man or weather.


Unlike natural atmospheric phenomena, these plasmoids are not related to weather conditions. They can present on sunny days and on clear nights. They are wholly different than ball lightning or “Transient Luminous Events” such as lightning-associated “red sprites” or “blue jets”. These flying plasmoids are not transient--they are filmed and reported to be in the air for sustained periods of time. They manipulate through aerial space in ways that weather phenomena do not and cannot.  Nor are they “earthquake lights” or “earth lights” believed by some to be related to rock formation piezoelectricity. They make intentional maneuvers and interact with other plasmoids, seemingly with purpose.


And unlike reports of traditional UFOs, they are not “engineered”. They are not comprised of any type of metal material. They are not vehicles. They do not land, crash or leave traces, and no one comes out of them. They are unto themselves as self-regulating and self-determined “free air plasma”.


They can take on a “fuzzy” form or a more distinct form, and they can morph. Their configurations include:


  • Balls, orbs, and ovals

  • Donuts and loops

  • Ribbons and spirals

  • Amorphous and blobs

  • “Sky Worms”

  • “Air Amoeba”

  • Winged


An exhaustive review of the literature and of scores of still and moving images defines the life characteristics observed in Plasmata volatilis:


  • They are self-organizing, and their sizes can vary from coin-sized to up to one hundred feet in length/height/width, though they are able to change their size at will.


  • Their colors (which can also change) are commonly bright white to off-white, sometimes fringed with color. Other times they present at the blue/violet range and less commonly in the red/yellow range. They appear as translucent or alternately, with a brilliance and shimmer, but generally without reflectivity. They seemingly do not possess a fixed surface.


  • They can be observed with the naked eye but are sometimes only observable using special lenses or filters.


  • They generally fly in linear fashion, though sometimes they fly in an arc, jerklike or corkscrew manner. They sometimes permanently merge with one another or merge and then separate from one another.


  • Their flight speed can vary from a complete standstill to extremely fast to barely perceptible. They are self-motive and unaffected by prevailing winds.


  • They fly silently and are mute, yet they can coordinate movements with other Flying Plasmoids within their vicinity. This is likely achieved through a type of field communication.


  • At times they seem to be able to anticipate the actions of others.




Though there are countless videos of unidentified “lights in the sky”, comparatively few represent these atmospheric plasma entities. Several striking and credible examples of the Flying Plasmoids caught on camera follow. Portions of these clips will benefit from using slow motion and stop frame:


Advance to 0:48.


The video above was taken by a plane passenger two years ago in Vancouver, Canada. It is a luminous gaseous/liquid shape-shifting form. At one point it appears as a vertical, almost angelic figure, floating and maneuvering in the sky.


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Advance to 0:23.


The clip above was recorded in Trevose, PA on January 23, 2023, showing a clear view of a glowing orange plasma orb.


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Advance to 1:05.


Above: four years ago, in St. Helens, Oregon, Michelle Gabrielli filmed a color-changing plasmoid that she shared with her local TV station.


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Advance to 1:15.


The video above, taken on July 15, 2023 in Barrington Lake, NY, shows what is referred to as a “sky worm” configuration. The narrator of the video notes its resemblance to the circular motion and shape seen on one’s computer when a video is “buffering.”


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Advance to 1:18.


From Italy from last year, this is an example of a ring or donut form configuration, turning from green to white light in color.




Scientists worldwide (including in Italy, Romania and at Los Alamos) have given consideration to plasma-based life. This author has dialogued with some of them to better understand the technical basis for such plasmoids.


Plasma is considered the fourth state of matter. It is characterized by the presence of a significant portion of charged particles in any combination of ions or electrons. A plasma is created whenever one or more electrons is torn free from an atom of gas. Current flows through it and it reacts to both magnetic and electric fields. Plasma can be produced both artificially or naturally through various processes. Plasma takes on many forms, on scales both large and small. Stars are hot balls of plasma. Plasma display panels use small cells of plasma to illuminate images, and plasma can provide lighting fluorescence.


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Nobel Laureate Irving Langmuir created the term "plasma" in the 1920s. He chose the term because he noted that plasma acted almost as if it were an alive figure. Its behavior is complex and hard to predict. It forms itself into cells that remain separate from each other. It creates long twisted currents that carry energy from one region to another. It separates the atoms of one element from the atoms of another. At higher energy levels, it creates dozens of specific patterns of shapes and behavior that evolve in predictable ways.  Langmuir isn’t the only one to compare plasma behavior to life. Several contemporary scientists have too:


Dr. Mircea Sanduloviciu and his associates, physicists at Cuza University in Romania, successfully created blobs of gaseous plasma that can grow, replicate and communicate--fulfilling most of the traditional requirements for biological cells. Without inherited material, some say they cannot be described as alive, while others say that is exactly what is happening when aerial plasma “merge”--they “inherit” the attributes of the other. The plasma spheres that Sanduloviciu created showed cell-like self organization in microseconds. Some suggest that these plasmoids could arise naturally in our atmosphere, but just how is not yet known.


The researchers created environmental conditions that existed on Earth before biological life began, when the planet was surrounded in electrical storms. This caused plasmas to form in the atmosphere. They placed two electrodes into a chamber containing a low temperature plasma. They then applied a high voltage to the electrodes, producing an arc of energy that flew across the gap between them. Sanduloviciu says this electric spark caused a high concentration of ions and electrons to accumulate at the positively charged electrode, which spontaneously formed spheres. Each sphere had a boundary made up of two layers--an outer layer of negatively charged electrons and an inner layer of positively charged ions. Trapped inside the boundary was an inner nucleus of gas atoms. The amount of energy in the initial spark governed their size and life span. Sanduloviciu grew spheres from a few micrometers up to three centimeters in diameter. A distinct boundary layer that confines and separates an object from its environment is one of the four main criteria generally used to define living cells. Sanduloviciu decided to find out if his cells met the other criteria: the ability to replicate, to communicate information, and to metabolize and grow. He found that the spheres could replicate by splitting into two. Under the right conditions they also got bigger, taking up neutral argon atoms and splitting them into ions and electrons to replenish their boundary layers. Finally, they could communicate information by emitting electromagnetic energy, making the atoms within other spheres vibrate at a particular frequency. They are the first gaseous “cells” to meet what some feel are the requirements for life. Sanduloviciu even thinks they could have been the first cells on Earth.


Dr. V.N. Tsytovich of the Russian Academy of Sciences, writing in a paper for the New Journal of Physics states: “Complex plasmas may naturally self-organize themselves into stable interacting helical structures that exhibit features normally attributed to organic living matter.” He adds, “We examine the salient features of this new complex ‘state of soft matter’ in light of the autonomy, evolution, progenity and autopoiesis principles used to define life. It is concluded that complex self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter that may exist in space provided certain conditions allow them to evolve naturally.”


Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, states of plasma life: "The facts are, we still don't have a good definition of what 'life' is." Shostak points out that while most biologists include as requirements for life the ability to metabolize and reproduce, it's easy to think of things that break these rules. “Fire, for example, reproduces and metabolizes, and mules, which are clearly alive, can't reproduce. We still stumble on what it means to be alive, and that means that these complex molecules are in a never-never land between the living and the merely reacting." Shostak added, “If plasma were considered alive it would completely overturn common assumption about what life is.”


Dr. Massimo Teodorani is an Italian astrophysicist and author. He is now helping to re-launch Project Hessdalen in Norway (see below.) In a recent paper entitled “The Intelligent Plasma Hypothesis”, Teodorani related some remarkable observations about a class of plasma that is “conscious”: ”Plasma may behave as a highly cooperative structure, like if particles (ions and electrons) that are even very far away from each other are able to “feel” instantaneously what happens to one of them. This gives to plasma – at least qualitatively – a structure of coherence that is not dissimilar to the coherence found in quantum objects. Therefore the many particles composing plasma behave like if they were only one entity and not separated from each other, in such a way that any action done on a group of particles is just “felt” by another group of particles composing the same plasma agglomerate. At this point it is not so difficult, at least qualitatively, to find a strict similarity between plasma particles and the microtubules inside brain neurons. The previously amply discussed “OrchOr” Penrose-Hameroff theory about the brain states that microtubules and tubulins therein act like only one entity described by the same wave function. When – according to Penrose’s physics model – the wave function spontaneously collapses, a moment of consciousness is generated, in such a way that an average human being is able to experience at least one million moments of consciousness daily. Let’s now come to plasma. Can be the elementary particles constituting a plasma compared to microtubules in order that such particles, by composing a cooperative entity described by only one wave function, when working in unison all together can give rise to the emergence of consciousness? We are simply hypothesizing that some plasma balls might work at certain circumstances as a brain capable to produce moments of consciousness. But being a brain implies being a form of life. Is it possible that a life form made of plasma exists? It seems so, according to some studies simulating its behavior.”






Plasma physicist Dr. Anthony Peratt of Los Alamos National Laboratory has presented a paper proposing that ancient eyewitnesses observed high-energy plasma formations in their skies. Peratt has studied plasma instabilities for a quarter of a century. When it was brought to his attention that some ancient petroglyphs and odd rock art images resemble plasma discharge forms, he was intrigued. Over the past few years, he has collected and classified rock art data, comparing the forms to the plasma discharge patterns he's studied in the lab. The ancient forms are not only similar to the lab forms, but many can also be overlaid exactly, as seen here:


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In the 1950s and 1960s, noted consciousness researcher Dr. Wilhelm Reich as well as author and decorated military veteran Trevor James Constable were photographing and filming the entities with impressive results. UV Pass filters and Infrared photography were sometimes used to image spectrums not visible to the naked eye. Investigators have continued this research to this day.


Reich believed them to be manifestations of what he termed “Orgone Energy” and what Constable called “Sky Critters.” These early researchers did not have the benefit of the findings of modern plasma physics and thought the entities to be some form of “ether” or of an organic/biological nature. Though their work was groundbreaking and commendable, it was also somewhat naïve. Constable would take hundreds of random camara shots of the air above and reported that less than 1% yielded images of interest. And both Constable (probably due to his military background) and Reich (concerned about the possible nefarious intent of these atmospheric things) sought to “disintegrate” these strange aerials using primitive directed energy, rifle-like devices that they called “cloud busters.” Following are examples of footage and photos that they (and those who continue their work) have made:




Above: a very rare and little-viewed clip of what Constable referred to in this film as “moving bioforms.”


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Above: photo taken over the home of Orgone energy researcher Nik Hayes in Oxford, UK on June 6th, 2016.


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Above: second photo by Hayes in the same area by Nik Hayes on March 9th, 2017.


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Above: rare black and white photo of a plasmoid taken by Trevor Constable in front of Reich’s “cloud buster” device.




The Hessdalen Lights are unidentified lights which have been observed along a 7.5 mile stretch of the Hessdalen valley in rural central Norway periodically since at least the 1930s. One of these lights is pictured as the first image under the title of this article. They continue today though their peak period seems to have been in the 1980s and 1990s, though more recent activity has called for the re-launch of Project Hessdalen, a science team effort using sophisticated equipment that had been active earlier during the peak period of the lights appearance.


The Marfa Lights, also referred to as the Marfa Ghost Lights, have been observed near U.S. Route 67 on Mitchell Flat east of Marfa, Texas since 1883. One of these lights is shown as the third image under the title of this article. Both the Hessdalen and Marfa “Lights” exhibit plasma-like appearance and “living light” behavior.


It may well be that that certain conditions found in that part of Norway (Hessdalen) and in that part of Texas (Marfa) favor their appearance. Within the “habitat” of these areas is an array of resources, physical and other factors that are present that supports the survival and reproduction of the species. The “habitat” may not be favorable year after year. This is why during some periods, activity levels are low in these locations. It may be that only in certain years at certain places that they return. Rabbits, for instance can be seen on one’s lawn in some years, and in others, they are not to be found. This is because there has been a change in their habitat.




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John Brennan, former CIA Director

John Brennan was the Central Intelligence Agency Director from 2013-2017 and held the highest security clearances. This uniquely positions him to hold information that is not unavailable to  the public and even most government officials. In a Tyler Cowen podcast in December 2020, Brennan made a stunning statement.


When asked about the subject of UFOs he said, “I think some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing continues to be unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.” What was he made privy to that would make him think we are dealing with atmospheric life forms?



We must remember that life is electric. Plasma is essentially electrically charged gas. The free negative electrons and positive ions in a plasma allow electric current to flow through it. In a plasma, electrons are freed from their atoms, allowing current and electricity to flow and react to magnetic fields. Electricity is the pulse of life. Electric impulses provide signals for life processes such as for the heart and nervous system. Electricity can even be used to revive life (through defibrillation) or take away life, given sufficient charge.




Just as the depths of our vast oceans have yielded discoveries of bizarre forms of life, the atmosphere is now yielding discoveries of novel life forms. Through our continuing exploration of the depths of the oceans we have found and collected fantastical aquatic creatures. This has included new species and classifications of highly unusual, peculiarly formed microbes, plants and fish that were previously unknown to man. To make these discoveries has required submarine engineers, aquatic scientists and underwater videographers.


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In the same way, the exploration of the upper atmosphere to study Flying Plasmoids will require an interdisciplinary approach involving plasma physicists, biologists, and atmospheric scientists.  Just as technologies were developed to enable access and study of the deep ocean, new technologies will be required to consistently and accurately image Flying Plasmoids – and perhaps to even capture specimens for close study.




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The existence of Flying Plasmoids as atmospheric life does not in any way minimize or contradict the likely reality of extraterrestrial or interdimensional visitors. Though they may sometimes be mistaken for extraterrestrial UFOs, they do not negate the concept of craft from other places coming to Earth. Rather, what it shows us is that we co-exist with a myriad of beings, be they from another world, another dimension or from our own atmosphere. It reveals and celebrates the glorious splendor and diversity of life in its innumerable forms, here for us to discover and to learn from.



“Extreme life” has been found in the most unlikely and inhospitable places in the world. Recently for instance, “extreme microbes” were located in the toxic metal ridden, ultra-acidic, boiling crater lake of the active Poas Volcano in Costa Rica. And such previously hidden life does not need to be extreme. Last year alone, many discoveries of new species were made, including of unusual sloth and owl and of several carnivorous plants. It is instructive that until 1850 the gorilla was unknown to Western man.


Like these examples, Flying Plasmoids are representative of life that is new to us, yet has been around us for a very long time. And like the rare and extreme life found in our waters, forests and deserts, this sentient atmospheric life will be better understood over time. Its secrets will be revealed through science. Plasmata volatilis will then be acknowledged as part of the natural world and a magnificent branch will have been added to the Tree of Life.


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By Anthony Bragalia


(Copyright 2024)


May Be Reproduced With Permission and Attribution

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