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(originally published Feb 2010)


The White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico played a significant role in the testing of captured German V-2 rockets in the mid and late 1940s. From this massive range, the fierce rockets were regularly launched. These complex devices of destruction were propelled through the air to test the hurl of explosives at an enemy.


But new research reveals that the V-2 also somehow "attracted" UFOs – and that our military even purposely cast up V-2s that were mounted with cameras to take motion pictures of the discs! A world-famous physicist, a former state congressman, an expert radar operator, and a government atmospheric scientist all confirm: flying saucers were drawn to the V-2s and were filmed by the pernicious projectiles – and there may well have been a Roswell crash connection!



Developed at the end of the Second World War by Nazi Germany, the V-2 was the world's first long-range combat-ballistic missile. As the single most expensive development project of the Third Reich, it was also the first human-made device to achieve suborbital flight. The progenitor of space flight and of all modern rockets, these tubes of terror were horrifying weapons that killed many thousands of people in Antwerp and London and destroyed critical Allied infrastructure. The V-2s were captured by the U.S. military upon Hitler's defeat and taken to the U.S. and reassembled.


Tested for killer power at White Sands, the V-2 also provided something that is little-known to most, even today: never before seen aerial views and perspectives of the skies and earth. This was achieved by skillfully placing still photography and motion picture 

equipment onto the rockets.  The film below shows a captured V-2 rocket being used as a test platform for the US space program. The date of this incredible footage is November 22, 1946.


Image from first film of the Horizon of Earth,
from V-2 Rocket, 1946
Video Clip of view from a V-2 Rocket Camera
Dr. Robert Sarbacher, 1950

Dr. Robert Sarbacher was a preeminent scientist. A Harvard graduate, he was Dean of the Graduate School of Georgia Institute of Technology; Director of Research at Wedd Laboratories; an accomplished inventor; a Scientific Consultant to the U.S. Marines and government agencies; and connected to the Joint Research and Development Board (JRDB) of the US DOD. One of his research specialties was remote controlled rockets.

In the 1980s, Sarbacher confirmed to researchers William Steinman, Stan Freidman, Jerry Clark and William Moore several truths about UFOs and ET. He indicated that in the early 1950s he was officially made aware of a crash of a non-terrestrial craft in the Southwest – a crash that occurred at that time or likely some time prior, and may well have been the Roswell UFO crash. He had confirmed to them (as well as to scientist Wilbert Smith of Canada three decades prior) that the subject was classified higher that the development of the Atom Bomb. He said that the debris was very light and very tough. He understood that the aliens were lightweight and constructed somewhat like insects. He said that a small group of people were

likely involved in the crash debris analysis and included Werner Von Braun, Vannevar Bush, Robert Oppenheimer, and Eric Walker, among others.


Recently, respected researcher D.M. Duncan located Sarbacher's son, Robert Sarbacher, Jr., living in Texas. Duncan had a revealing dialog with Sarbacher's Jr. It was learned that the younger Sarbacher had once questioned his father about the UFO phenomena. His Dad spoke sparingly about the saucer subject.


Sarbacher Jr. said of his father: "He knew that they were real for the obvious reason that they would be going 600 mph and then make a direct 90 degree turn in mid-air without slowing down...separated from all inertia and gravity. Dad said that the reason he was called in was to build the right kind of missile to track these things since they were way too fast for any of our planes to catch. They wanted the missile to not destroy any of the UFOs, but to be able to track them. So Dad had cameras installed (like on the V-2 rockets) so when the UFO comes into our air space we would shoot missiles at them with cameras on them, since only a missile could keep up with the speed turns."


Stunned at the revelation, Duncan wanted to clarify this, and Sarbacher's son replied, "Yes, exactly to track UFOs, or rather to photograph and watch them...When he first told me about the missiles...the first thing I thought was, what? You were trying to destroy them? He (Sarbacher Sr.) said very normally and matter of factly, "No, we put cameras on the end of them."



J. Andrew Kissner was a former New Mexico State Representative from Las Cruces, NM. During the 1990s, Kissner provided assistance to Congressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico in ascertaining the truth about the UFO crash at Roswell. Schiff was instrumental in facilitating studies conducted by the the U.S. GAO and USAF on the crash.

Kissner maintains that while he worked in Las Cruces, near White Sands Missile Range, he received information from a trusted high-ranking officer who worked there. Kissner wrote that at White Sands, he was told that in 1947: "A radar target instantaneously appeared next to the ascending V-2 missile, and immediately the V-2 rocket changed course." Kissner says his White Sands military officer source "saw a photograph of a flying disc taken from a camera aimed through a V-2 rocket window. The object changed course, taking a northeasterly track, one that brought the rocket

crashing to earth two minutes later only six miles east and slightly north of the community of Alamogordo, New Mexico, 40 degrees off the V-2's project flight path."


Kissner continues: "Whatever had mysteriously appeared and vanished after observing a V-2 in flight in close proxity to the rocket, it apparently affected the rocket's trajectory. That event became an immediate priority with a very small, closed circle of highly ranked general staff officers and civilian scientists assigned to the Joint Research and Development Board (JRDB)."


Kissner wonders if the saucer at Roswell was somehow brought down purposely or inadvertently by such V-2 or other rocket exercises.




Lloyd Eugene Camp was a Sergeant Major who spent many years at White Sands, including as a Radar Operator. Camp died at age 75 in 1993. Recently his daughter, Sherry Malin, revealed intriguing information that supports and corroborates the Sarbacher and Kissner White Sands revelations.

Camp's daughter explains: "Back in the 1940s, my father worked at the White Sands Proving Grounds in Alamogordo, N.M. He helped carry out top-level research on the only captured German V-2 rockets in existence. He spent several years there, retiring after 37 years in the Navy. One time, while one of the rockets was being launched, two UFOs appeared along side the rocket. My father saw both on radar, and visually from where he was. He saw what appeared to be two silvery discs circling the rocket. He observed them for several minutes, before they suddenly turned on their sides and zoomed off. Meanwhile, the radar equipment went haywire and locked in on the

flying saucers as they quickly vanished from the radar screen causing the men to lose track of the rocket. He said that he had seen these flying saucers several times circling the V-2 rockets when they were launched at White Sands."


Camp told his daughter, in the last year of his life, something else of even greater significance: "My father told me that he remembered a group of men being sent out from White Sands to help pack up the crashed ship at Roswell, New Mexico. I believe my father was telling the truth."


Sherry adds: "He didn't say UFO. He said Flying Saucer. Dad said they were aliens. They weren't from here." For documentation of Camp's Certificate of Clearance with US Naval Intelligence, click the image at right.




Yet another substantiation of the V-2 viewed saucers comes

from the US Government itself. By carefully re-examining the official government UFO study "Project Twinkle" (which considered in detail the observations of strange aerial phenomena, including the mysterious "Green Fireballs"), information was found that further confirms the V-2 Rocket/UFO connection. This bonafide study appears to provide direct confirmation of the testimonies of Sarbacher, Kissner and Camp.


Buried within a document dated November 27, 1951, Dr. Louis Elterman, a Senior Project Scientist with the government's Atmospherics Physics Laboratory, Geophysics Division, makes a brief and cryptic comment:

"On August 31, 1950, the phenomena was again observed after a V-2 launching. Although much film was expended, proper triangulation was not affected, so that

no information was acquired. On September 11, arrangements were made for Major Gover to be on call so that aerial objects might be pursued. This would make possible more intimate visual observation and photography at close range."




These four independent stories on V-2s and UFOs – all from disparate but credible sources – demonstrate that the phenomenon of aerial unknowns at White Sands was real and was likely filmed by the V-2. Did a V-2 or other rocket intentionally or accidentally bring down the Roswell craft? Where are the films and photographs of the mysterious sky vehicles taken by these camera-outfitted V-2s?


As with most things related to the phenomena, there are more questions than answers. Further research and requests through the Freedom of Information Act by this author will seek to obtain the answers – and the no doubt incredible film of these V-2 viewed fantastic flying saucers.

By Anthony Bragalia


(Copyright 2024)


May Be Reproduced With Permission and Attribution

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