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DEC 2021 / JAN 2022


Memory metal, crumpled
Memory 2 (enhanced with Photos).png


From an Air Force secretary to a rancher's son - there are people on this planet who were privileged to have held material from another planet - the extraordinary "memory metal" UFO debris found fallen near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. Separated by thousands of miles and by decades of time, when located and reached by investigators, they have all reported the same thing: a mysterious metal-like material that can "remember itself". This intelligent debris can be crushed or bent and then instantly, seamlessly and silently recover its original shape without any crease or sign of deformation.


Now, for the first time, the names of every single person who has ever been said to have held this amazing material - along with their descriptions of it - have been compiled. It serves as a comprehensive historical record of witnesses to a most remarkable type of Roswell debris.


Though some of the debris that was said to have been retrieved from the Roswell crash site was extremely tough and lightweight (characteristics of some aeronautical metals), some of the material exhibited an additional property that had never previously been observed in any other metal known to man at the time: shape memory and shape recovery.


During the 1940s, at the time of the Roswell crash, the very concept of a metal with memory characteristics was "alien". Probably the strongest evidence we have that what fell to Earth in the 1940s was not from Earth is that such material did not exist on Earth at that time. The very fact that so many people from so many places - many of whom did not even know each other - identically spoke of an almost cartoon-like ability for the metal to "move" itself, is indicative of material that did not "belong". It came from another time and from another place.




There were several types of debris material credibly reported to have been found near Roswell. This included an I-beam with embedded purplish symbols; a glass-like, fiber optics-like material; a porous foil fabric-like material with unique drape that could not be cut or torn; and larger, lightweight solid pieces that were impervious to denting by sledgehammer blows and incapable of being scratched or of being burned with acetylene torches.


But it is the uniquely described "intelligent metal" that could not be confused with anything made by man. It is possible that some experimental aeronautic materials science at the time could have produced advanced tough and lightweight material, but in 1947 a metal that could "morph" was a rather different matter altogether. It was entirely unheard of at the time. And even today, if you walked down the street and asked 100 people what "memory metal" or "shape recovery" meant, 99 of them would not know. Some of the witnesses to this material were old folks in rural areas with no higher education living in the 1940s. For them to speak of such things as morphing metal and of shape memory is astonishing. This point is often lost in discussions of the Roswell crash.


How likely is it that descriptions of such material would pre-date the actual first man-made manufacture of such memory metals, which would come nearly two decades later? Even then, knowledge of such memory metal (called "Nitinol") was restricted to military and materials scientists. In fact it was only when we began to see the advent of "'bendable" eyeglasses and its use in dental wiring did the general public begin to hear of such a thing. Clearly, memory metal is key to the mystery.




These two recollections of the incredible metal are particularly noteworthy:


Bill Brazel, face-on (enhanced with Photos), rotated upright.png
Bill Brazel

Bill Brazel was the son of William Brazel, who managed the JB Foster ranch upon which some of the debris fell. He mentioned to researchers that he had held a finger-sized, jagged piece of the debris, describing it as "kind of weird" and "self-unfolding". He said that it was dull-colored, kind of a metal foil-like material, a cross between aluminum and lead foil in color, with the thickness of lead foil.


June Crain worked as an Executive Assistant with high level security clearance to military officers at WPAFB in the Air Materiel Command photographic unit from 1942-1952. Crain claimed that she had cataloged, indexed, and typed official reports on the crash, which included photographs of debris and bodies. Crain was most impressed with a piece of thin material shown to her by an officer that could be "wrinkled" and which then would spontaneously "smooth out" to its original shape.




Testimony has been taken by various investigators over the years from a total of forty-four individuals who were in some way exposed to the UFO debris at Roswell. Twenty-two of these individuals reported that the material they held had possessed memory metal characteristics. Here, in table format, is a complete list of all known people who have had similar experiences with the Roswell morphing metal. Thanks are extended to Professor Jerry Kroth and for information from investigator Dr. David Rudiak.

June Crain (enhanced with Photos).png
June Crain
Witness Accounts to the Roswell Memory Metal

In previous articles based on years-long investigation, this author has demonstrated the extreme attention the US government has afforded this incredible metal (see the Article Archive at


  • It began with the letting of contracts to Battelle Memorial Institute the year after the Roswell crash, to try to recreate the Roswell memory metal in the form of Nitinol (a Nickel/Titanium super alloy).


  • Over the years, the material was subjected to numerous technical tests by various labs (including at Berkeley).


  • The material was even investigated to see if it could be morphed by the power of the mind with experiments conducted in the early 1970s at the Naval lab in Maryland with Dr. Henry Wang and psychic Uri Geller.


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  • Nitinol was then taken into space on the Space Shuttle during the early 2000s and perhaps earlier, in classified experiments using microgravity chambers to attempt to improve its performance in the weightlessness of space.


  • Technical papers on Nitinol were provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency in February, 2021 to this author in response to a request for UFO debris test reports said to have been conducted by the US government.


Morphing metal may well be the stuff from which today's often-seen "morphing UFOs" are made. Such materials of construction may help to explain the "shape-shifting" craft. And it is likely that similar material accounts for some of the debris that was found at the crash at Roswell. Such "self-healing" material would allow the hull of a craft to "remember" its original form when physically compromised. Such material can create "smart structures" with unlimited application. The best material adapts itself to best suit its environment.


But there is an even deeper meaning to memory metal. It is found within the Morph. It represents "the potential for change". Such changeable material reflects the value of adaptation. Without adaptability, life ceases. The shape-memory qualities of the Roswell debris speak to the metal's "remembrance" of a malleable and ever-changing Universe. And this change is reflected in the unique interplay of matter and energy found within this most remarkable material.

By Anthony Bragalia


(Copyright 2024)


May Be Reproduced With Permission and Attribution

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