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(originally published Sept 2010)



Most all that is written about the Roswell UFO crash of 1947 is focused on the event itself. But if such a crash occurred, the involvement by elements of military and intelligence would be ongoing. The craft, debris and bodies must have been stored and studied in subsequent decades. Even today there must exist an infrastructure in place to store, secure and examine the craft and corpses. Who does this involve? How many would be needed? How difficult would it be to keep secret the physical artifacts of the greatest secret in history?




The physical "aftermath" of the Roswell crash was not all that great. It would not be especially difficult to store and protect the Roswell crash "aftermath." By all accounts the craft itself was no more than 25 feet in size. There were 3-5 bodies reported. The strewn debris was widespread. But when all collected, it comprised perhaps no more than could be held in a room-sized facility. The physical ability to hide what is really a meager amount of physical evidence is clear. The logistics would be highly manageable. The debris and bodies would be easily "contained." Its just not all that much "stuff" to have to hide. Compare this with the extreme difficulties associated with "hiding" the location, construction and operation of nuclear bomb installations or secret air bases. A few bodies, a small craft and some metal would be comparatively easy to keep.


Keeping the physical secrets of Roswell would require engaging three key elements: Security, Science and Policy & Control:




Those who constructed any specialized containment or preservation facilities required for the Roswell artifacts did not need to know why it was being constructed or what would be held within. They needed to know only the specifications. Those who guard and secure these things need not know just what it is that they are guarding. They need only know operating procedure, who is to be granted access to the facility – and be prepared and trained to protect from intrusion with force.


Defense contractors who design and build ultra-secure, classified facilities understand the principles of national and global security. Their engineers and construction personnel often hold Top Secret clearances with SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) designation. They often are administered full "lifestyle polygraphs." Contractors such as Bechtel, Parsons, URS, EG&G and Battelle create buildings and facilities for the CIA, NSA and the Area 51 and Nevada Test Sites.


It is probable that the Roswell artifacts are held in an underground installation. All of these contractors are experienced at such facility design and construction. They are also expert at engineering specialized containment systems for biological, chemical and radioactive materials. They have built cryogenic systems, "clean rooms" and climate-controlled storage facilities.


They do not ask unnecessary questions, they follow contract directives. They do not question purpose, they only follow through on what is told them. Though the facilities they build may hold nuclear material, advanced weaponry or software and IT infrastructure essential to the security and defense of the nation, they do not know the precise contents of the buildings that they create.


Similarly, private defense security firms and USG military and intelligence security staff undergo both extensive interviews and even psychological screenings. They too are granted Secret or Top Secret Clearances with attendant polygraphs administered regularly. Such professional security personnel know that they do not need to know what it is that they are to secure and defend. They protect such facilities, and control entrance and access to them – but they do not need the details of what it is that they guard to effectively do their job.




A range of scientific personnel would be required for the examination, experimentation, calculation and replication of the artifacts. They would be needed to systematically describe and analyze any facts that could be derived from the crash items to formulate hypotheses and advance knowledge. These scientists are likely culled from military labs, our National Laboratories, and from defense contractors whose scientific staff would also possess high-level security clearances.


Two groups of scientists would be needed to study two distinctly different elements of the crash: One group would analyze the craft and its debris, and the other group would be charged to evaluate the bodies.


The Craft and Debris
Metallurgists and Materials Scientists:


These specialists would attempt to determine the craft's materials of construction. They would study the reported "memory metal" and other materials, and perform characterization studies to identify properties and potential applications. They have prior expertise in examining the nature of various alloys, ceramics, composites and polymers. These studies would be performed at the macro, micro and nano-scales. They would also embrace materials chemistry, materials physics and molecular science disciplines.



These scientists would examine the relationships between matter, energy, space/time, motion and force as it relates to the craft. They would apply advanced

mathematical principles in conducting these studies. This would include study of the craft's mechanics, optics, electricity and magnetism, acoustics and heat properties. It would likely also encompass quantum theory as well as atomic, nuclear, particle, solid-state and plasma physics disciplines.


Aerospace Engineers:


Engineers who are highly experienced in aircraft and space vehicle design and manufacture would be required. They would study the principle technologies of the craft's aerodynamics; power, fuel and propulsion; structure and stability; and its navigation and control systems. These studies would go well beyond examining weight, lift, drag and thrust and would include first-time-ever testing and operation.


The Bodies:


The retrieved alien corpses would be held in facilities specially engineered and equipped for long-term suspension and containment. These storage systems would be designed to provide full-view of the bodies. They would utilize storage technologies incorporating cryonics and specialty gases to minimize damage to cells, tissue and structure.


Medical Examiners:

Those medical professionals who specialize in critical assessment of cadavers would have been brought in immediately following discovery of the crash. This necropsy postmortem examination would have been performed early and likely only once. It would have included a detailed examination of the dead bodies as well as selective dissection. Though usually performed to determine cause of death, these autopsies would go beyond that purpose to include a comprehensive description of previously unknown systems and organs. Tissue and cell samples would have been extracted and preserved for later study by others.


Research Biologists:


Another specialized branch of science and medicine would necessarily be engaged: Research Biology. Research Biologists determine how living systems work. They often perform basic research (or "pure research") to increase understanding of fundamental principles. It is likely that the extraterrestrial living system is in many ways fundamentally very different from the human system. Though humanoid, they are not human. Due to the uniqueness their organs, body systems and fluids would require intense study by these research biologists.


Other Research Specialists:


Such medical research study would be interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary. It would also require the retention of highly trained and specialized experts in the areas of genetics, chromosomes and DNA; cellular science; and microbiology and virology. Depending on the ability of the medical examiners and research biologists to successfully detail vital systems, the engagement of other specialized disciplines may have been required. These may have included physiologists, neuroscientists, endroconologists, and histologists.



If there are scientists studying the Roswell debris and bodies – and a security infrastructure to contain it – then it necessarily follows that there must be a "core group" of those who are "in the know." They plan, administer and direct the policies and activities that are related to the management of the Roswell physical evidence.


This core group likely comprises former or current high-level military and intelligence personnel who have long histories of service in highly sensitive matters of global import. This may include those in quasi-public research "think tanks" and those with private defense contractors.

Because the recovery, transport and cover-up of the Roswell event were long ago achieved, today the "mission" would be far more simplified. It would be one of "maintenance" and physical containment. It would probably be no different than keeping other top secrets, such as those concerning our nuclear

arsenal. And this "core group" does not have to be large. In fact, it is most probably a very small group that is itself highly compartmentalized, with internal access restrictions.




Very few are actually privileged to view in-person these persons from another world. Only a small number have beheld their technology. Such access is granted only to those with a need to know – and witness – the extraterrestrial presence. The opportunities for compromise, pilferage or surreptitious activity is too great. It is likely that such secure rooms ("Blue Rooms") are only ever opened a time or two a year. The less such a door is opened, the better. The interior – and its temperatures and other conditions – are likely monitored remotely using computerized building systems, instrumentation and surveillance equipment.


No purpose is served by having numerous persons have physical access. And study of the Roswell aftermath materials does not require such access. Scientists who are engaged in study of the ET materials do not need to be physically present. Study of the material and beings can be achieved "at a distance" through providing technical summaries, diagrams, photographs, micrographs, film and 3-D images to these scientists for review at secure installations. They do not need to see with their own eyes or hold with their own hands these unearthly treasures.



It may well be that things ET are simply too "alien" to even be effectively studied. The tissues and structures of the alien are so foreign to man that a true understanding of them may not even be possible. And possessing a craft that is eons in advance of our present technological understanding is of no real benefit. A television set would be useless to a caveman. It would also be useless to a more modern man if he had not yet invented electricity or a broadcast system.

It may be that the craft and bodies are now simply treated as "scientific curiosities". They may be viewed like one-of-a-kind "museum pieces". Perhaps given our technical limitations, all further development activities may have been stopped. Perhaps there is no possibility of replication or application of their technologies. It may all just defy analysis altogether. If we are unable to determine anything of meaning or value because it is all so advanced and alien, what then? Once every

bit of information is gathered and documented, where do we go with it? There may be no more to "study". We have may already reached an "end point" or impasse in the ability to further understand the artifacts.


It is also very distinctly possible that the ET craft was so damaged that any analysis or reverse-engineering cannot be done. Maybe there are only ruined remnants of the craft and permanently destroyed components and systems. And perhaps the alien pilots were also so badly damaged that any substantial insight into their physiology is hampered by the poor condition of their bodies (due to physical impact, possible burning, exposure to the elements and predatory action).




The three key elements to preserving the secret of the physical evidence of the Roswell crash encompass Security, Science and Control & Policy. Over the intervening years there are those who have been needed to guard and study the Roswell materials and to manage and direct policy and access.


Over sixty years, it seems likely that they have "cycled through" perhaps three sets of personnel in each discipline since the crash event. It is conceivable that the involved security personnel, scientists and and policy "core group" are a dutiful group with long years of entrusted government service. They probably have "changed over" every twenty years or so due to death, retirement or new employment.


I will (admittedly speculatively) assign some numbers to all of this:


  • Perhaps at any one time there are 50 engineers with access to the Roswell debris and craft

  • Perhaps there are similarly about 50 scientists at any one time with access to the preserved bodies

  • Perhaps there are another 50 whose primary responsibility is to secure the facility holding the Roswell artifacts

  • As the "core group," yet another 50 may provide oversight to the above personnel and provide policy, recruitment, strategy and coordination


We can then extrapolate that only about 200 "need to know" about Roswell every twenty years or so. This would total about 600 that have had potential access to the ET crash artifacts and specimens. This is indeed a very small group – and a very manageable one.


Compared to the tens of thousands who were secretly employed by the National Security Agency over several decades, the "Roswell concealment" would be relatively effortless! More can be learned about this in the article entitled The Roswell Concealment archived on this website.



Though the actual bodies and debris from Roswell have been kept from the public, the ET nature of the event itself has not been. Thanks to the hundreds of brave persons who have spoken up over the years to help solve the mystery, we now have many of the answers. Roswell is not so much the "biggest secret ever kept" as it is the biggest secret never kept. The ability to keep the physical evidence from us is the easiest part of the cover-up. It was in the discovery, recovery and retrieval that the secret was revealed.


That said, it is hoped that newly developing information about the physical crash evidence will bring more answers. Continuing investigation by this author is focused on publicly identifying where the Roswell artifacts are located and stored today – and openly naming the individuals who now hold the keys to these otherworldly facilities.

By Anthony Bragalia


(Copyright 2024)


May Be Reproduced With Permission and Attribution

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